Famous quote by Amelia Earhart

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Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others

"Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others"

- Amelia Earhart

About this Quote

In this quote, Amelia Earhart is stressing the value of women aiming to accomplish the difficult, much like guys do. She thinks that females should not restrict themselves and need to press beyond their perceived capabilities. Even if they stop working in their undertakings, Earhart sees it as an important opportunity for others to be inspired and handle the challenge. She is motivating females to break societal standards and expectations, and to not be dissuaded by failure. Instead, she sees failure as a way to motivate and motivate others to continue pushing boundaries and achieving the impossible. Earhart's words serve as a tip for ladies to never give up and to always aim for greatness.

About the Author

Amelia Earhart This quote is written / told by Amelia Earhart between July 24, 1898 and July 2, 1937. She was a famous Aviator from USA. The author also have 18 other quotes.

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