Famous quote by Geoffrey Chaucer

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Women desire six things: They want their husbands to be brave, wise, rich, generous, obedient to wife, and lively in bed

"Women desire six things: They want their husbands to be brave, wise, rich, generous, obedient to wife, and lively in bed"

- Geoffrey Chaucer

About this Quote

This quote by Geoffrey Chaucer talks to the expectations that women have of their other halves. He suggests that ladies want six things from their husbands: bravery, knowledge, wealth, kindness, obedience, and vitality in the bedroom. This quote suggests that ladies desire their husbands to be strong and brave, smart and well-informed, and economically secure. They also want their other halves to be generous and kind, obedient to their partners, and passionate in the bed room. This quote reflects the traditional gender roles of the time, where ladies were expected to be submissive and males were anticipated to be the breadwinners and protectors. It likewise recommends that women desire their spouses to be attentive and caring in the bed room, which is still a desire of lots of females today.

About the Author

England Flag This quote is written / told by Geoffrey Chaucer. He/she was a famous Poet from England. The author also have 18 other quotes.

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