Famous quote by Tom Selleck

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Which to this day is a source of enormous guilt, because I left with three classes to go in the business school to sign

"Which to this day is a source of enormous guilt, because I left with three classes to go in the business school to sign a contract with 20th Century Fox"

- Tom Selleck

About this Quote

Tom Selleck's quote talks to the concept of needing to make difficult choices in life. In this case, he needed to choose between completing his business school education and signing an agreement with 20th Century Fox. He chose the latter, and this choice has caused him to feel a lot of guilt. It is likely that he feels he needs to have stayed in school and finished his degree, and this remorse has actually stuck with him for many years. This quote is a reminder that life has lots of tough options, and sometimes we need to make choices that we might later regret. It is very important to bear in mind that we can gain from our errors and move on with our lives.

About the Author

Tom Selleck This quote is written / told by Tom Selleck somewhere between January 29, 1945 and today. He was a famous Actor from USA. The author also have 23 other quotes.

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