Famous quote by Sydney Schanberg

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What happened was very sad. Mr. Lacey told the staff that he was disappointed and appalled that the front of the book wa

"What happened was very sad. Mr. Lacey told the staff that he was disappointed and appalled that the front of the book was all commentary and that he wanted hard news"

- Sydney Schanberg

About this Quote

In this quote, reporter Sydney Schanberg is describing a scenario where something unfortunate happened. Particularly, Mr. Lacey, most likely a higher-up or editor, expressed his disappointment and disgust to the staff about the content of a book. Schanberg mentions that the front of the book was filled with commentary, rather than difficult news. This recommends that the book might have been planned to be a source of accurate information, however rather, it was filled with viewpoints and individual point of views. Mr. Lacey's response shows that he values unbiased reporting and was disappointed that the book did not satisfy his expectations. In general, the quote highlights the importance of precise and unbiased reporting worldwide of journalism.

About the Author

Sydney Schanberg This quote is written / told by Sydney Schanberg between January 17, 1934 and July 9, 2016. He was a famous Journalist from USA. The author also have 19 other quotes.

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