Famous quote by Henrik Ibsen

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What business has science and capitalism got, bringing all these new inventions into the works, before society has produ

"What business has science and capitalism got, bringing all these new inventions into the works, before society has produced a generation educated up to using them!"

- Henrik Ibsen

About this Quote

Henrik Ibsen's quote is a criticism of the fast development of science and commercialism in the 19th century. He is concerned that society is not keeping up with the new developments and technologies that are being produced. He believes that society should be educated and prepared to use these creations before they are launched. He is worried that the lack of education and understanding of these brand-new inventions will lead to their misuse and possible harm. He is also worried that the new inventions will result in a widening of the space in between the wealthy and the poor, as those with money will be able to access and utilize the brand-new innovations while those without money will be left behind. Ibsen's quote is a cautioning to society to be familiar with the possible effects of the rapid development of science and commercialism.

About the Author

Henrik Ibsen This quote is written / told by Henrik Ibsen between March 20, 1828 and May 23, 1906. He was a famous Poet from Norway. The author also have 30 other quotes.

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