Famous quote by Colin Mochrie

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Well, it seems all the fish in the rivers are dying. Could this be an act of cod?

"Well, it seems all the fish in the rivers are dying. Could this be an act of cod?"

- Colin Mochrie

About this Quote

Colin Mochrie's quote is an amusing way of pointing out the possible repercussions of human activity on the environment. By suggesting that the death of fish in rivers might be an act of cod, he is suggesting that humans are responsible for the damage of the environment. This might be a reference to overfishing, pollution, or other human activities that have an unfavorable effect on the environment. The quote likewise works as a reminder that human beings need to take responsibility for their actions and be mindful of the consequences of their actions on the environment. It is an amusing way of highlighting the significance of ecological preservation and defense.

About the Author

Scotland Flag This quote is written / told by Colin Mochrie somewhere between November 30, 1957 and today. He was a famous Actor from Scotland. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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