Famous quote by Ahmet Necdet Sezner

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The Muslim world is deeply hurt by the campaign of violence initiated against our Palestinian brothers

"The Muslim world is deeply hurt by the campaign of violence initiated against our Palestinian brothers"

- Ahmet Necdet Sezner

About this Quote

This quote by Ahmet Necdet Sezner talks to the deep pain and suffering that the Muslim world is feeling in response to the violence caused upon the Palestinian people. Sezner is revealing his solidarity with the Palestinian individuals and his outrage at the campaign of violence that has actually been waged versus them. He is calling attention to the oppression of the scenario and the requirement for the international neighborhood to do something about it to protect the rights of the Palestinian people. Sezner is also emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the mankind of the Palestinian people and the need to end the violence against them. This quote speaks to the deep sense of injustice and discomfort that the Muslim world is feeling in response to the violence caused upon the Palestinian people. It is a call to action for the international community to take a stand against the violence and to protect the rights of the Palestinian people.

About the Author

Ahmet Necdet Sezner This quote is written / told by Ahmet Necdet Sezner somewhere between September 13, 1941 and today. He was a famous President from Turkey. The author also have 4 other quotes.

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