Education Quotes

Small: Rewards and punishment is the lowest form of education
"Rewards and punishment is the lowest form of education"
Zhuangzi, Philosopher
Small: I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and its better than college.
Ray Bradbury
"I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college. People should educate themselves - you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I'd written a thousand stories"
Ray Bradbury, Writer
Small: All claims of education notwithstanding, the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves
"All claims of education notwithstanding, the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves"
Emma Goldman, Activist
Small: A person like myself, born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, to lower-middle-class parents.
"A person like myself, born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, to lower-middle-class parents. But I had the opportunity to get an education, to go and earn a commission in the United States Army, to serve for 22 years, to lead men and women in combat"
Allen West, Politician
Small: Education is all a matter of building bridges
"Education is all a matter of building bridges"
Ralph Ellison, Author
Small: I paid for my own education by scholarship until I left university
"I paid for my own education by scholarship until I left university"
Ellen Wilkinson, Politician
Small: As skills and energy became more of a demand, people who didnt have skills just got left behind, got shuttled
"As skills and energy became more of a demand, people who didn't have skills just got left behind, got shuttled to the side. Education didn't keep up with their promise. Education didn't prepare them for this new world. Jobs went overseas"
Julian Bond, Activist
Small: I am a firm believer in education and have worked very hard to tell young Latinos that they must go to college
Jimmy Smits
"I am a firm believer in education and have worked very hard to tell young Latinos that they must go to college and that, if possible, they should pursue an advanced degree. I am convinced that education is the great equalizer"
Jimmy Smits, Actor
Small: On the contrary, if they are treated with justice and humanity, proper example and the advantages of education
"On the contrary, if they are treated with justice and humanity, proper example and the advantages of education given them, the coming years will be as bright and prosperous to the unfortunate race as the past has been dark and painful"
Nelson A. Miles, Soldier
Small: One of the critical issues that we have to confront is illegal immigration, because this is a multi-headed Hyd
"One of the critical issues that we have to confront is illegal immigration, because this is a multi-headed Hydra that affects our economy, our health care, our health care, our education systems, our national security, and also our local criminality"
Allen West, Politician
Small: At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our r
Booker T. Washington
"At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence"
Booker T. Washington, Educator
Small: The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone
Michelle Obama
"The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more"
Michelle Obama, First Lady
Small: My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice
"My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong; she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education"
John H. Johnson, Businessman
Small: Past conference topics have included strengthening the role of fathers in childrens lives, the impact of the m
"Past conference topics have included strengthening the role of fathers in children's lives, the impact of the media culture on children, the delicate balance between work and family, and family involvement in education"
Tipper Gore, Celebrity
Small: Higher education is not growing fast enough to meet the needs of Nevada
"Higher education is not growing fast enough to meet the needs of Nevada"
James E. Rogers, Educator
Small: NSF is the only federal agency with a proven track record of selecting education projects through a rigorous,
"NSF is the only federal agency with a proven track record of selecting education projects through a rigorous, careful and competitive process that draws on a wide variety of experts from outside government"
Bob Inglis, Politician
Small: Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society
"Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society"
Kent Conrad, Politician
Small: A good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action and makes us contented with that si
"A good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action and makes us contented with that situation in life in which God, in his infinite mercy, has seen fit to place us, to be perfectly resigned to our lot in life, whatever it may be"
Ann Plato
Small: A masculine education cannot spare from professional study and the necessary acquisition of languages, the tim
"A masculine education cannot spare from professional study and the necessary acquisition of languages, the time and attention which I have bestowed on the compositions of my countrymen"
Anne Seward
Small: I think being an artist, or just being creative, or imaginative, or aware, where I think everybody starts out,
"I think being an artist, or just being creative, or imaginative, or aware, where I think everybody starts out, and by about the age of 10, that's been pretty effectively whipped out by education"
William Wiley, Soldier
Small: I tell students that the opportunities I had were a result of having a good educational background. Education
Ellen Ochoa
"I tell students that the opportunities I had were a result of having a good educational background. Education is what allows you to stand out"
Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut
Small: The message of womens liberation is that women can love each other and ourselves against our degrading educati
"The message of women's liberation is that women can love each other and ourselves against our degrading education"
Jane Rule, Author
Small: The need for a college education is even more important now than it was before, but I think that the increased
"The need for a college education is even more important now than it was before, but I think that the increased costs are a very severe obstacle to access. It is an American dream, and I think that one of our challenges is to find a way to make that available"
Roy Romer, Politician
Small: Good education means learning to read, write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatev
"Good education means learning to read, write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up"
Patty Murray, Politician
Small: The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new t
"The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done"
Jean Piaget, Psychologist
Small: Higher education must lead the march back to the fundamentals of human relationships, to the old discovery tha
"Higher education must lead the march back to the fundamentals of human relationships, to the old discovery that is ever new, that man does not live by bread alone"
John Hannah, Athlete
Small: I say further that our system of education should be unsectarian
"I say further that our system of education should be unsectarian"
Edmund Barton, Politician
Small: I think any time you have too much education in one certain field, that can sometimes play against you
Amber Tamblyn
"I think any time you have too much education in one certain field, that can sometimes play against you"
Amber Tamblyn, Actress
Small: The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social syste
"The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education"
James S. Coleman, Sociologist
Small: If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, th
"If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind?"
Maria Montessori, Educator
Small: I can say without affectation that I belong to the Russian convict world no less than I do to Russian literatu
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"I can say without affectation that I belong to the Russian convict world no less than I do to Russian literature. I got my education there, and it will last forever"
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Author
Small: Nature has always had more force than education
"Nature has always had more force than education"
Voltaire, Writer
Small: Ive never let my school interfere with my education
Mark Twain
"I've never let my school interfere with my education"
Mark Twain, Author
Small: I have never let my schooling interfere with my education
Mark Twain
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
Mark Twain, Author
Small: Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned
Mark Twain
"Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned"
Mark Twain, Author
Small: A fools brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence Universit
George Bernard Shaw
"A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education"
George Bernard Shaw, Dramatist
Small: Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education
Victor Hugo
"Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of education"
Victor Hugo, Author
Small: Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education
Mahatma Gandhi
"Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education"
Mahatma Gandhi, Leader
Small: Natural ability without education has more often attained to glory and virtue than education without natural a
"Natural ability without education has more often attained to glory and virtue than education without natural ability"
Cicero, Philosopher
Small: I add this, that rational ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education
"I add this, that rational ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability"
Cicero, Philosopher