Famous quote by Hal Borland

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Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every nigh

"Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night"

- Hal Borland

About this Quote

This quote by Hal Borland speaks with the inevitability of modification and the futility of attempting to resist it. The metaphor of the changing of the seasons is used to highlight this point. Summer is a time of heat and light, while Autumn is a time of cooler temperature levels and much shorter days. The quote recommends that it is impossible to maintain the exact same conditions forever, and that trying to do so is futile. It is a tip that modification is a natural part of life, which we need to accept it and proceed. The quote likewise talks to the charm of change, as each season brings its own distinct charm and happiness. We must accept the changes that come our way and take advantage of them.

About the Author

Hal Borland This quote is written / told by Hal Borland between May 14, 1900 and February 22, 1978. He was a famous Author from USA. The author also have 11 other quotes.

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