Famous quote by Heinz R. Pagels

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Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the young but never the actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event

"Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the young but never the actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event"

- Heinz R. Pagels

About this Quote

This quote by Heinz R. Pagels is a metaphor comparing stars to animals in the wild. It suggests that, much like animals in the wild, we might observe the stars, however we will never have the ability to witness the real birth of a star. This is since the birth of a star is a covert and strange occasion, just like the birth of an animal in the wild. The quote suggests that the birth of a star is a gorgeous and sacred event that is indicated to remain hidden from human eyes. It also recommends that the stars belong of nature that is beyond our understanding and control. This quote is a suggestion that, although we might observe the stars, we will never ever genuinely understand the secrets of deep space.

About the Author

Heinz R. Pagels This quote is written / told by Heinz R. Pagels between February 19, 1939 and July 23, 1988. He was a famous Physicist from USA. The author also have 4 other quotes.

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