Famous quote by Nicole Polizzi

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So I would always try and be the lightest I could. In high school, I really wouldnt eat. I would only have lunch and I w

"So I would always try and be the lightest I could. In high school, I really wouldn't eat. I would only have lunch and I would only have salads. And then it got so crazy as to just eating like a cracker or a cucumber a day and I would feel full"

- Nicole Polizzi

About this Quote

In this quote, Nicole Polizzi, likewise referred to as "Snooki" from the reality TV program "Jersey Shore," reviews her previous battles with body image and extreme dieting. She discusses that in high school, she would restrict her food intake and just eat salads for lunch in an effort to be as thin as possible. Nevertheless, her obsession with being the "lightest" led her to even more severe measures, such as just eating a single cracker or cucumber a day. Despite feeling physically full, she was denying her body of needed nutrients and putting her health at risk. This quote clarifies the dangerous and unhealthy lengths some people will go to in order to accomplish societal requirements of charm.

About the Author

Nicole Polizzi This quote is written / told by Nicole Polizzi somewhere between November 23, 1987 and today. She was a famous Celebrity from USA. The author also have 40 other quotes.

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