Famous quote by Al Goldstein

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Philosophy is an attempt by man to find cause and effect. Religion has the same goal

"Philosophy is an attempt by man to find cause and effect. Religion has the same goal"

- Al Goldstein

About this Quote

Al Goldstein's quote recommends that approach and also religion are both attempts by human beings to make sense of the globe around them. He indicates that both disciplines are trying to address the exact same inquiries, such as why points happen as well as what causes them. He suggests that both approach as well as religious beliefs are trying to find cause and effect, which they are both looking for to comprehend the world as well as its operations. This quote suggests that although the two self-controls may have different techniques, they are ultimately attempting to respond to the very same concerns. It suggests that both approach and religion stand means of understanding the world, which they can both be utilized to obtain understanding right into the workings of the universe. Inevitably, Al Goldstein's quote indicates that both philosophy and also faith are valid methods of understanding the world, which they can both be made use of to obtain insight right into the functions of deep space.

About the Author

Al Goldstein This quote is written / told by Al Goldstein somewhere between January 10, 1936 and today. He/she was a famous Publisher from USA. The author also have 23 other quotes.

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