Famous quote by William Ames

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Participation in the blessings of the union with Christ comes when the faithful have all the things needed to live well

"Participation in the blessings of the union with Christ comes when the faithful have all the things needed to live well and blessedly to God"

- William Ames

About this Quote

This quote by William Ames talks to the concept that when we are devoted to God, we have the ability to participate in the blessings of the union with Christ. This union is a spiritual connection between us and God, and it is through this connection that we can receive the blessings of God. Ames is recommending that in order to completely take part in these true blessings, we must have all the things we require to live a great and blessed life. This could include material belongings, but it could also describe spiritual and psychological needs. Ames is recommending that when we have all the things we need to live a great and blessed life, we can then totally participate in the true blessings of the union with Christ. This union is a powerful connection that can bring us closer to God and help us to experience the fullness of His blessings. Ames is motivating us to pursue a life of faithfulness and to look for the things we require to live a great and blessed life, so that we can totally take part in the true blessings of the union with Christ.

About the Author

England Flag This quote is written / told by William Ames. He/she was a famous Philosopher from England. The author also have 27 other quotes.

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