Famous quote by James Stockdale

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On the eighteenth of December 1972, when we thought we were getting another of the hundreds of little tactical air raids

"On the eighteenth of December 1972, when we thought we were getting another of the hundreds of little tactical air raids, we heard the bombs going in out there in the railroad yards and this went on for about thirty minutes"

- James Stockdale

About this Quote

This quote is from James Stockdale, a previous United States Navy Vice Admiral and Medal of Honor recipient. He was a detainee of war in Vietnam from 1965 to 1973. In this quote, Stockdale is explaining an event that occurred on the eighteenth of December 1972. He and the other prisoners of war were anticipating a common tactical air raid, however rather they heard bombs going off in the railroad lawns for about half an hour. This was likely a surprise attack, as the prisoners were not anticipating it. The quote reveals the worry and confusion that the prisoners of war experienced throughout this time. It also highlights the violence and damage of war, as the detainees were subjected to unforeseen bombings. Stockdale's quote is a powerful reminder of the scaries of war and the guts of those who experienced it.

About the Author

James Stockdale This quote is written / told by James Stockdale between December 23, 1923 and July 5, 2005. He was a famous Soldier from USA. The author also have 22 other quotes.

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