Famous quote by Jack Prelutsky

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My reading is extremely eclectic. Lately Ive been teaching myself computer graphics, so Im reading a lot about that. I r

"My reading is extremely eclectic. Lately I've been teaching myself computer graphics, so I'm reading a lot about that. I read books of trivia, of facts"

- Jack Prelutsky

About this Quote

In this quote, Jack Prelutsky is describing his varied and different reading habits. He utilizes the word "diverse" to communicate that he reads a wide range of topics and genres. He mentions that he has been teaching himself computer system graphics, which suggests that he is a self-motivated and curious student. This also indicates that he is continuously seeking new knowledge and skills. In addition, he mentions checking out books about trivia and facts, which shows his interest in discovering random and interesting information. Overall, this quote highlights Prelutsky's passion for reading and his thirst for knowledge in different subjects.

About the Author

Jack Prelutsky This quote is written / told by Jack Prelutsky somewhere between September 8, 1940 and today. He was a famous Poet from USA. The author also have 23 other quotes.

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