Famous quote by Anton Seidl

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Musical practice is too young an art in America to warrant a search for men with a conductors gift

"Musical practice is too young an art in America to warrant a search for men with a conductor's gift"

- Anton Seidl

About this Quote

In this quote, Anton Seidl is expressing his belief that the art of performing is not yet fully developed in America. He suggests that the nation is still in its early phases of musical practice and therefore, it is not required to look for individuals with a natural talent for performing. Seidl may be indicating that conducting requires a particular level of experience and proficiency that is not yet present in America. He might also be recommending that the nation ought to concentrate on establishing its musical practice before seeking out people with a natural present for conducting. In general, Seidl's quote highlights the significance of nurturing and growing the art of conducting in America.

About the Author

Anton Seidl This quote is written / told by Anton Seidl between May 7, 1850 and March 28, 1898. He was a famous Musician from Hungary. The author also have 11 other quotes.

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