Famous quote by Robert Frost

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Modern poets talk against business, poor things, but all of us write for money. Beginners are subjected to trial by mark

"Modern poets talk against business, poor things, but all of us write for money. Beginners are subjected to trial by market"

- Robert Frost

About this Quote

This quote by Robert Frost is a commentary on the state of contemporary poetry. He acknowledges that numerous poets may talk versus company, however in truth, all poets write for cash. This is particularly real for newbies, who should prove themselves in the market before they can be effective. Frost is suggesting that the contemporary poetry market is competitive which poets need to have the ability to produce quality operate in order to make a living. He is also implying that poets must not be ashamed of writing for money, as it is a needed part of the profession. Eventually, Frost is highlighting the significance of composing for cash in order to be successful in the modern poetry market.

About the Author

Robert Frost This quote is written / told by Robert Frost between March 26, 1874 and January 29, 1963. He was a famous Poet from USA. The author also have 80 other quotes.

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