Famous quote by Bruce Willis

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Ive always had confidence. Before I was famous, that confidence got me into trouble. After I got famous, it just got me

"I've always had confidence. Before I was famous, that confidence got me into trouble. After I got famous, it just got me into more trouble"

- Bruce Willis

About this Quote

Bruce Willis' quote speaks to the power of self-confidence and how it can be both a blessing and a curse. Before he was popular, his self-confidence enabled him to take threats and stick out from the crowd, but it likewise got him into difficulty. After he became popular, his self-confidence just increased, and it got him into even more difficulty. This might be because of the newly found attention and power that features popularity, which can lead to people taking advantage of him or making bad choices. Eventually, Bruce Willis' quote works as a tip that self-confidence can be a double-edged sword, and it's important to use it sensibly.

About the Author

Bruce Willis This quote is written / told by Bruce Willis somewhere between March 19, 1955 and today. He was a famous Actor from USA. The author also have 22 other quotes.

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