Famous quote by Lisa Snowdon

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It was my first big relationship and it was just very abusive. I wouldnt give him the credit of naming him, if he ever r

"It was my first big relationship and it was just very abusive. I wouldn't give him the credit of naming him, if he ever reads this. But he was older, in the music business - or so he said"

- Lisa Snowdon

About this Quote

In this quote, Lisa Snowdon reviews her past relationship, describing it as her very first significant one and acknowledging that it was a poisonous and violent one. She picks not to call her ex-partner, potentially out of a desire to protect herself and not offer him any acknowledgment. She also points out that he was older and declared to be associated with the music industry, implying that he might have used his status and age to manipulate and control her. This quote highlights the damaging impacts of an abusive relationship and the power dynamics that can exist within them.

About the Author

England Flag This quote is written / told by Lisa Snowdon somewhere between September 2, 1974 and today. He/she was a famous Model from England. The author also have 17 other quotes.

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