Famous quote by Henry David Thoreau

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It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know

"It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know"

- Henry David Thoreau

About this Quote

This quote by Henry David Thoreau recommends that knowledge and knowing can be a barrier to real understanding. He implies that when we release all the truths and information we have discovered, we can acquire a much deeper understanding of the world around us. This could indicate that we need to step back from our presumptions and look at things from a different perspective. It might also indicate that we require to be open up to new ideas and experiences, and not be so quick to judge or dismiss them. Thoreau's quote encourages us to be open-minded and to look beyond what we have actually been taught in order to gain a more significant understanding of the world. By forgetting our knowing, we can gain a greater gratitude for the complexities of life and the appeal of the world around us.

About the Author

Henry David Thoreau This quote is written / told by Henry David Thoreau between July 12, 1817 and May 6, 1862. He was a famous Author from USA. The author also have 190 other quotes.

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