Famous quote by Michel de Montaigne

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It is not death, it is dying that alarms me

"It is not death, it is dying that alarms me"

- Michel de Montaigne

About this Quote

This quote by Michel de Montaigne speaks to the fear of the unidentified that comes with the procedure of dying. He is not afraid of death itself, however rather the procedure of passing away and the uncertainty that comes with it. He is expressing his worry of the unknown and the lack of control he has over the situation. He is likewise revealing his worry of the pain and suffering that can come with the procedure of dying. He is acknowledging that death is inevitable, however he is still scared of the procedure of passing away and the uncertainty that includes it. This quote talks to the worry of the unidentified that many people feel when confronted with the prospect of death. It is a tip that death is a part of life which it is important to accept it and make the most of the time we have.

About the Author

Michel de Montaigne This quote is written / told by Michel de Montaigne between February 28, 1533 and September 13, 1592. He was a famous Philosopher from France. The author also have 83 other quotes.

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