Famous quote by Bruce Cockburn

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If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die

"If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die"

- Bruce Cockburn

About this Quote

This quote by Bruce Cockburn is an effective declaration about the frustration and anger he feels towards those who have actually mistreated him. He is expressing his desire to retaliate on those who have actually caused him discomfort and suffering. He is stating that if he had the power to do so, he would use it to take out his enemies. This quote is a reflection of the deep-seated anger and resentment that many individuals feel when they have actually been wronged. It is a suggestion that even in the face of oppression, we can still discover the strength to fight back and take control of our lives. It is a call to action for those who have actually been mistreated to stand up and fight for what is right.

About the Author

Canada Flag This quote is written / told by Bruce Cockburn somewhere between May 27, 1945 and today. He/she was a famous Musician from Canada. The author also have 9 other quotes.

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