Famous quote by Sarah Michelle Gellar

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I was young. I was newly married. And I had worked like a dog. I just wanted to live and travel

"I was young. I was newly married. And I had worked like a dog. I just wanted to live and travel"

- Sarah Michelle Gellar

About this Quote

This quote by Sarah Michelle Gellar talks to the desire for a life of experience and exploration. At the time of the quote, she was young, freshly wed, and had striven. She wanted to take a break from the grind of work and take pleasure in life. She wished to travel and check out the world, to experience new cultures and locations. She wished to take a break from the daily and enjoy the beauty of the world. She wanted to live life to the fullest and maximize her youth. This quote talks to the desire for a life of experience and exploration, and the significance of requiring time to enjoy life.

About the Author

Sarah Michelle Gellar This quote is written / told by Sarah Michelle Gellar somewhere between April 14, 1977 and today. She was a famous Actress from USA. The author also have 35 other quotes.

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