Famous quote by John Hume

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I think thats not a question that one can answer accurately. I read a whole range of books, quite a lot of history at th

"I think that's not a question that one can answer accurately. I read a whole range of books, quite a lot of history at the time, and still do read a lot. I read very widely"

- John Hume

About this Quote

John Hume's quote recommends that he checks out a wide array of books, including history. He implies that it is impossible to properly respond to the concern of what he reads, as he checks out a lot of different categories. This could be interpreted as a sign of his intellectual curiosity and his desire for more information about the world. He might also be recommending that he reads widely in order to gain a better understanding of the world and its history. His quote could likewise be interpreted as an indication of his dedication to lifelong knowing, as he is still checking out a lot even though he has already read a great deal of history. Overall, John Hume's quote recommends that he is a passionate reader who is dedicated foring more information about the world.

About the Author

John Hume This quote is written / told by John Hume somewhere between January 18, 1937 and today. He was a famous Politician from Ireland. The author also have 27 other quotes.

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