Famous quote by Michael Reagan

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I think he would have been proud and smiling... when we laid him to rest because his family was together.

"I think he would have been proud and smiling... when we laid him to rest because his family was together. I think that was a great gift to be able to give Dad at the end"

- Michael Reagan

About this Quote

In this quote, Michael Reagan reflects on his father's death and the feelings surrounding it. He believes that his dad, previous President Ronald Reagan, would have been happy and happy to see his family come together during his funeral service. This was a great gift that they were able to offer him in his last moments. It reveals the love and unity within the household, which was something that was necessary to Ronald Reagan. Michael's words likewise suggest that his dad's death was a tranquil and meaningful occasion, as they were able to honor him with a final farewell surrounded by loved ones. Overall, this quote highlights the strong bond and love within the Reagan family and the significance of being together during difficult times.

About the Author

Michael Reagan This quote is written / told by Michael Reagan somewhere between March 18, 1945 and today. He was a famous Radio host from USA. The author also have 16 other quotes.

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