Famous quote by Thomas Keller

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I like to drink young wines, wines which are robust and have a lot of forward fruit to them

"I like to drink young wines, wines which are robust and have a lot of forward fruit to them"

- Thomas Keller

About this Quote

Thomas Keller is expressing his choice for young white wines, which are typically more robust and have a great deal of forward fruit. This indicates that the red wines are full-bodied and have a strong flavor of the fruit used to make them. Young wines are typically more vibrant and intense in taste, and they tend to have a higher alcohol material than older white wines. Keller is likely referring to wines that are made from grapes that are collected early in the season, as these tend to have more intense tastes. He is also most likely describing wines that are made with minimal aging, as these tend to have more forward fruit flavors. By expressing his choice for young red wines, Keller is suggesting that he delights in wines that are full-bodied and have a strong taste of the fruit utilized to make them.

About the Author

Thomas Keller This quote is written / told by Thomas Keller somewhere between October 14, 1955 and today. He was a famous Celebrity from USA. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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