Famous quote by Emo Philips

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I got some new underwear the other day. Well, new to me

"I got some new underwear the other day. Well, new to me"

- Emo Philips

About this Quote

This quote by Emo Philips is a funny method of revealing the idea of thriftiness. By saying that the underclothing he got was "brand-new to me," he is suggesting that he got it pre-owned or at an affordable price. This is a lighthearted method of poking fun at the concept of being frugal and not wishing to invest too much cash on something as mundane as underclothing. It also implies that he is not ashamed of getting second-hand items, and that he is comfy with the concept of recycling items. This quote is a funny method of revealing the idea that it is fine to be thrifty and to reuse products, which it is not required to buy everything brand name brand-new.

About the Author

Emo Philips This quote is written / told by Emo Philips somewhere between February 7, 1956 and today. He was a famous Comedian from USA. The author also have 34 other quotes.

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