Famous quote by Duke of Wellington

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I dont know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me"

- Duke of Wellington

About this Quote

The Duke of Wellington's quote talks to the power of his troops and the fear they instilled in him. He was confident in their capability to defeat the enemy, but he was also aware of the fear they might stimulate. He was not sure what result his soldiers would have on the enemy, however he was specific that they would be frightening. He was so impressed by his troops that he was afraid of them himself. This quote talks to the strength and courage of the Duke's troops and the regard he had for them. It also speaks to the power of fear and how it can be utilized to acquire a benefit in battle. The Duke of Wellington's quote is a testimony to the power of his troops and the worry they could evoke in their opponents.

About the Author

Duke of Wellington This quote is written / told by Duke of Wellington between May 1, 1769 and September 14, 1852. He was a famous Royalty from United Kingdom. The author also have 22 other quotes.

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