Famous quote by Elizabeth Edwards

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I cant turn on the television without seeing me, or open the newspaper without seeing me and, honestly, Im sick to death

"I can't turn on the television without seeing me, or open the newspaper without seeing me and, honestly, I'm sick to death of me"

- Elizabeth Edwards

About this Quote

Elizabeth Edwards' quote speaks to the overwhelming existence of her own image in the media. She is tired of seeing herself all over she looks, and it is clear that she is feeling overwhelmed by the attention. This quote shows the idea that popularity can be a double-edged sword, as it can bring both favorable and unfavorable attention. On one hand, it can bring acknowledgment and success, but on the other, it can be a source of stress and stress and anxiety. Elizabeth Edwards' quote is a tip that popularity can be a concern, and that it is important to take time to step far from the spotlight and delight in some solitude.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Elizabeth Edwards between July 3, 1949 and December 7, 2010. He/she was a famous Lawyer from USA. The author also have 11 other quotes.

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