Famous quote by W. Averell Harriman

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How could you justify giving Holland twice the amount of money that you gave Belgium? Well, finally, I put it up to them

"How could you justify giving Holland twice the amount of money that you gave Belgium? Well, finally, I put it up to them. They said that they couldn't do it; it would destroy them. I said they had to do it. And I finally got support from Hoffman on it"

- W. Averell Harriman

About this Quote

This quote by W. Averell Harriman is describing a circumstance in which he was attempting to justify providing Holland two times the quantity of money that he had actually offered Belgium. He was trying to persuade individuals entailed that it was needed to do this, and also he at some point got support from Hoffman. This quote reveals Harriman's resolution as well as desire to fight wherefore he thinks is right. It also shows his capacity to work out and encourage people to his perspective. He had the ability to convince the people included that it was needed to provide Holland twice the amount of cash that he had offered Belgium, and he was able to obtain support from Hoffman. This quote reveals Harriman's capacity to think purposefully as well as to choose that are in the most effective interest of individuals entailed. It also reveals his commitment to justness and also justice, as he agreed to combat wherefore he thought was right.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by W. Averell Harriman between November 15, 1891 and July 26, 1986. He/she was a famous Politician from USA. The author also have 23 other quotes.

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