Famous quote by Nicholas Sparks

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Focus in on the genre you want to write, and read books in that genre. A LOT of books by a variety of authors. And read

"Focus in on the genre you want to write, and read books in that genre. A LOT of books by a variety of authors. And read with questions in your mind"

- Nicholas Sparks

About this Quote

In this quote, author Nicholas Sparks highlights the significance of concentrating on a particular category when writing. He suggests immersing oneself because genre by checking out a wide range of books composed by different authors. By doing so, one can get a deeper understanding of the genre and its conventions. Stimulates also motivates readers to approach their reading with a curious and analytical mindset, asking concerns and actively engaging with the product. This approach can help aiming writers establish their own distinct style and voice within their chosen genre. Ultimately, Sparks highlights the value of being well-read and experienced in one's picked category in order to become a successful writer.

About the Author

Nicholas Sparks This quote is written / told by Nicholas Sparks somewhere between December 31, 1965 and today. He was a famous Author from USA. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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