Famous quote by Rush Limbaugh

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Compassion is no substitute for justice

"Compassion is no substitute for justice"

- Rush Limbaugh

About this Quote

This quote by Rush Limbaugh recommends that empathy must not be used as a replacement for justice. He is indicating that justice ought to be the main focus when dealing with a situation, which empathy should not be used as a way to avoid justice. He is recommending that justice must be the primary objective, which empathy must be secondary. He is also suggesting that justice needs to be the main focus when handling a scenario, and that empathy must not be used as a method to avoid justice. He is stressing the value of justice and the requirement to ensure that justice is served. He is likewise suggesting that compassion should not be utilized as a method to prevent justice, and that justice must be the main focus when handling a scenario.

About the Author

Rush Limbaugh This quote is written / told by Rush Limbaugh somewhere between January 12, 1951 and today. He was a famous Entertainer from USA. The author also have 39 other quotes.

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