Famous quote by Christopher Reeve

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At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable

"At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable"

- Christopher Reeve

About this Quote

In this quote, Christopher Reeve is highlighting the journey of dreams. He discusses that at first, our dreams might seem impossible to attain. We may question ourselves and our abilities, and the obstacles in our method may seem overwhelming. However, as we continue to work towards our dreams, they end up being less and less unlikely. We begin to see development and think that our dreams may really be attainable. And finally, with decision and perseverance, our dreams become unavoidable. They become a reality that we can reach and keep. This quote acts as a suggestion to never ever quit on our dreams, no matter how impossible they may appear in the beginning.

About the Author

Christopher Reeve This quote is written / told by Christopher Reeve between September 25, 1952 and October 10, 2004. He was a famous Actor from USA. The author also have 11 other quotes.

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