Famous quote by Bob Dylan

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All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie

"All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie"

- Bob Dylan

About this Quote

In this quote, Bob Dylan is recommending that regardless of the abundance of fact on the planet, it ultimately causes one huge lie. This could be interpreted in a few different ways. One interpretation is that although there may be lots of specific truths, when they are all assembled, they can produce a distorted or incorrect story. Another interpretation is that the fact can be manipulated or twisted to fit a certain agenda, ultimately resulting in a lie. This quote might also be viewed as a commentary on the complexity of truth and how it can be challenging to discern what is genuinely real. Overall, Dylan's words function as a tip to question and seriously take a look at the info presented to us, as it might not always be as honest as it seems.

About the Author

Bob Dylan This quote is written / told by Bob Dylan somewhere between May 24, 1941 and today. He was a famous Musician from USA. The author also have 45 other quotes.

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