Famous quote by James Cash Penney

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A merchant who approaches business with the idea of serving the public well has nothing to fear from the competition

"A merchant who approaches business with the idea of serving the public well has nothing to fear from the competition"

- James Cash Penney

About this Quote

This quote by James Cash Penney encourages merchants to focus on offering quality service to their consumers, instead of worrying about competition. He thinks that if a merchant is devoted to offering the best service possible, they will have absolutely nothing to fear from their competitors. This is because customers will recognize the quality of the service they are getting and will continue to return to the merchant. Penney's quote highlights the value of client service and how it can be an effective tool for services. He believes that if a merchant puts the customer initially, they will be successful despite the competitors. This quote is a reminder that companies must concentrate on supplying the best service possible, rather than fretting about their competitors.

About the Author

James Cash Penney This quote is written / told by James Cash Penney between September 16, 1875 and February 12, 1971. He was a famous Businessman from USA. The author also have 46 other quotes.

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