Famous quote by Marcia Wallace

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You know, this is a business where only 15% make a living wage and only 9% of those are women. But I figured somebody ha

"You know, this is a business where only 15% make a living wage and only 9% of those are women. But I figured somebody has to be that 15%, somebody's got to be one of those women"

- Marcia Wallace

About this Quote

This quote by Marcia Wallace talks to the inequality that exists in business world. She acknowledges that only a small portion of individuals earn a living wage, and even fewer of those are females. She is figured out to be among the couple of that make it, and encourages others to do the exact same. She is challenging the status quo and motivating others to pursue success, no matter gender. Her words are a pointer that with hard work and dedication, anybody can achieve their objectives. She is a good example for females all over, revealing that with determination and determination, anything is possible. Her words give motivation and hope for those who are struggling to make it in business world.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Marcia Wallace somewhere between November 1, 1942 and today. She was a famous Actress from USA. The author also have 10 other quotes.

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