Famous quote by Taryn Manning

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When we saw our plane on TV as breaking news, it was the most surreal experience. A lot of the women were crying.

"When we saw our plane on TV as breaking news, it was the most surreal experience. A lot of the women were crying. There was a gentleman who was writing in his journal and crying. Seeing that isn't easy"

- Taryn Manning

About this Quote

In this quote, Taryn Manning explains a moment when she and her fellow passengers saw their plane on television as breaking news. She explains that it was a surreal experience, suggesting it felt odd and almost dreamlike. Much of the females on the airplane were crying, likely due to the shock and worry of seeing their own flight on the news. Manning also discusses a male who was composing in his journal and weeping, maybe trying to process his feelings and record the minute. She acknowledges that seeing this event was difficult, highlighting the intense emotions and impact it had actually on everybody involved.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Taryn Manning somewhere between November 6, 1978 and today. She was a famous Actress from USA. The author also have 30 other quotes.

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