Famous quote by Harry Shearer

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Well Washington DC what are you going to do. They think the capitol steps are the state of the art in comedy.

"Well Washington DC what are you going to do. They think the capitol steps are the state of the art in comedy. You try to drag them into the 20th century let alone the 21st and they refuse to come with you"

- Harry Shearer

About this Quote

This quote by Harry Shearer is a commentary on the state of comedy in Washington DC. He is suggesting that the funny scene in the city is stuck in the past, which the Capitol Steps are the only form of comedy that is accepted. He is challenging the city to progress and accept more contemporary types of funny, but it appears that the city is resistant to change. This quote talks to the concept that Washington DC is a city that is stuck in its ways and is not open to originalities or perspectives. It likewise talks to the concept that the city is resistant to alter and is closed to brand-new kinds of home entertainment. Shearer's quote is a call to action for the city to accept brand-new forms of comedy and to move on into the 21st century.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Harry Shearer somewhere between December 23, 1943 and today. He was a famous Actor from USA. The author also have 18 other quotes.

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