Famous quote by Esai Morales

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In order to be a lieutenant, youve got to have authority in your voice. No matter how young your face looks, youve got t

"In order to be a lieutenant, you've got to have authority in your voice. No matter how young your face looks, you've got to let your guys know that you're in charge"

- Esai Morales

About this Quote

This quote by Esai Morales highlights the importance of having authority when in a management function. It is insufficient to just look the part, however one need to likewise sound the part. A lieutenant should have a commanding presence and a strong voice that communicates authority. Even if the lieutenant is young and might not look the part, they should still be able to demonstrate their authority and command respect from their subordinates. This quote is a reminder that management is not practically age or look, but likewise about having the self-confidence and strength to lead. It is very important for a lieutenant to be able to forecast their authority and show their leadership skills in order to be successful.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Esai Morales somewhere between October 1, 1962 and today. He was a famous Actor from USA. The author also have 17 other quotes.

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