Famous quote by Tabitha Soren

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Im surprised and disappointed in American culture

"I'm surprised and disappointed in American culture"

- Tabitha Soren

About this Quote

Tabitha Soren's quote reflects a sense of disillusionment with American culture. It suggests that she had expectations of American culture that have not been met. This could be due to a range of elements, such as the occurrence of racism, sexism, and other kinds of discrimination, or the absence of development in resolving social and economic inequality. It could likewise be because of the prevalence of consumerism and materialism, or the lack of meaningful engagement with the arts and culture. Whatever the cause, her quote shows a sense of disappointment in the state of American culture. It is a pointer that we need to make every effort to develop a culture that is more fair, inclusive, and meaningful.

About the Author

Tabitha Soren This quote is written / told by Tabitha Soren somewhere between August 19, 1967 and today. She was a famous Celebrity from USA. The author also have 19 other quotes.

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