Famous quote by Mira Sorvino

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I was offered one of the roles in a big project that shall remain nameless. I thought the whole thing encouraged violent

"I was offered one of the roles in a big project that shall remain nameless. I thought the whole thing encouraged violent sex crimes toward women. It made horrible, ghastly rape violence seem sexy. I just didn't want to sign my name to it"

- Mira Sorvino

About this Quote

Mira Sorvino's quote speaks to the problem of sexism and also physical violence against females in the entertainment industry. She was used a function in a job that she really felt encouraged terrible sex crimes against ladies. She felt that the job made rape and physical violence versus women seem sexy, as well as she was unwilling to be related to it. This quote highlights the need for more representation of ladies in the show business, and for more respect for females in the roles they are provided. It additionally speaks with the requirement for more recognition of the issue of physical violence versus women, and for more action to be required to avoid it. Sorvino's quote is an effective tip of the relevance of defending what is right, and of the need for even more representation of women in the show business.

About the Author

USA Flag This quote is written / told by Mira Sorvino somewhere between September 28, 1970 and today. She was a famous Actress from USA. The author also have 29 other quotes.

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