Famous quote by Christopher Parker

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I wanted to be a doctor when I was young. I also wanted to be a paramedic, but I always wanted to be an actor as well.

"I wanted to be a doctor when I was young. I also wanted to be a paramedic, but I always wanted to be an actor as well. I didn't have kids or something that I needed to provide for"

- Christopher Parker

About this Quote

In this quote, Christopher Parker reflects on his youth dreams and goals. He shares that he had multiple profession interests, consisting of becoming a doctor and a paramedic. However, he likewise had a strong desire to end up being an actor. Despite having these different interests, Parker did not feel pressured to select one over the other due to the fact that he did not have any dependents or monetary responsibilities at the time. This quote highlights the importance of following one's passions and dreams, even if they might appear unconventional or conflicting. It likewise stresses the flexibility and versatility that includes not having major commitments or dedications.

About the Author

Christopher Parker This quote is written / told by Christopher Parker somewhere between August 24, 1983 and today. He was a famous Actor from United Kingdom. The author also have 16 other quotes.

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