Famous quote by Andy Warhol

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I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own"

- Andy Warhol

About this Quote

In this quote, Andy Warhol reveals his belief that owning land and preserving its natural beauty is the ultimate type of art. He recommends that the act of maintaining and securing the land is an important and exceptional pursuit. Warhol's words highlight the importance of environmental preservation and the gratitude of nature. He implies that owning land is not just about possessing it, however likewise about taking care of it and appreciating its fundamental appeal. Warhol's viewpoint challenges the concept that art must be manufactured and instead celebrates the appeal of the natural world. Overall, this quote motivates us to worth and protect the land we own, acknowledging it as a valuable and irreplaceable form of art.

About the Author

Andy Warhol This quote is written / told by Andy Warhol between August 6, 1927 and February 22, 1987. He was a famous Artist from USA. The author also have 37 other quotes.

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