Famous quote by Mikhail Bakunin

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I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating

"I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation"

- Mikhail Bakunin

About this Quote

In this quote, Mikhail Bakunin reveals his belief that true freedom can only be achieved when all human beings, despite gender, are equally free. He argues that the freedom of others does not diminish or limit his own liberty, but rather acts as a needed foundation and validation of it. This recommends that Bakunin sees liberty as a cumulative principle, where the liberation of one person is intertwined with the liberation of all. He highlights the significance of equality and the interconnectedness of human flexibility, highlighting the idea that true flexibility can not exist in a society where some are oppressed or limited.

About the Author

Mikhail Bakunin This quote is written / told by Mikhail Bakunin between May 30, 1814 and June 13, 1876. He was a famous Revolutionary from Russia. The author also have 36 other quotes.

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