Famous quote by Sarah Michelle Gellar

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Being an actor gives you a chance to play all kinds of roles, very moving and dramatic on one project, silly and girlish

"Being an actor gives you a chance to play all kinds of roles, very moving and dramatic on one project, silly and girlish on another. That's the most interesting thing out this business, you get to keep reinventing yourself"

- Sarah Michelle Gellar

About this Quote

In this quote, starlet Sarah Michelle Gellar highlights the special and amazing aspect of being a star. She discusses that being an actor permits one to take on a variety of roles, from psychological and extreme to easy going and playful. This constant modification and change is what makes business of acting so fascinating. Gellar emphasizes that as a star, one has the chance to continuously transform themselves and check out various elements of their personality through the characters they depict. This not only keeps the task fascinating, but likewise permits personal growth and advancement. In general, Gellar commemorates the adaptability and imagination that comes with being a star.

About the Author

Sarah Michelle Gellar This quote is written / told by Sarah Michelle Gellar somewhere between April 14, 1977 and today. She was a famous Actress from USA. The author also have 35 other quotes.

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